Just came across this line describing Chinese way of thinking that 'family disgrace shoudn't be spoken of outsiders' (Joseph S. M. Lau. "More Than Putting Things Together" in Eugene Eoyang and Lin Yao-fu Eds. Translating Chinese Literature. 1995.). Hmm, I think that's exactly how the Chinese were outraged by Janan's now-famous opinion.
And in the same article, I have found out the reason I had been looking for for a long time of why I don't like the novel /1559213035/103-2002421-7264608?v=glance" title="">Shui-hu Chuan . It is 'a novel of excess, celebrating vengeance, sadism, and misogyny in the name of justice. Within the Liangshan secret society, manhood is defined by personal lyalty, capacity for wine and indifference to women.' (ibid) Exactly, how could I ever like it? Among the four Chinese literature classics that have been promoted all the way through my Chinese education (Shui-hu Chuan, Monkey , /0804834679/ref=pd_sim_b_6/103-2002421-7264608?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance" title="">Romance of the Three Kingdoms and A Dream of the Red Mansions) only A Dream of the Red Mansions is the real classic. Monkey is a good story with good intention, but lacks in dimensions of philosophic thoughts, Romance of the Three Kingdoms is an easy venue to read history and military tricks but I hate the idea about war even though it has illustrated the complexity of humanity in that peculiar age; and Shui-hu Chuan -- A PIECE OF CRAP, I can't even bother to read it. It's the very beginning of Chinese gangsters. :( If you see the Hongkongese gangsters films these days, they are still acting under the ideology of Shui-hu Chuan, you see how evil a tradition it has left to its wide audience. Sigh! I m not conservative enough to say 'Let's ban the evil book', but can we not promoting the Bible of gangster to the secondary school students anymore, epecially when all the school teachers are headaching with the widening population of teenage male gangsters in China.
I found a little piece I wrote in my trip to Prague. It is surprising how much my inward sight has been changed since then. The feelings illustrated in that piece of writing was so common those days before winter, but very weak these days. I'm very happy to see my progress. The practice of giving up seems working. The delusions are eliminating.
Here is the piece of writing.
正点钟敲响过后,我就来到了尘土飞扬的湖北小镇. 那里街的四角,便利商店里,都学着西洋的随意,贴着黄的绿的招租信息.信息上印着很多熟悉而亲密的脸.但我昂首挺胸的走出了那片铺天盖地.天空下只剩了那一条古董买卖的街.我于是学着他的样,夹着胯撇着腿,大摇大摆的,瞬间挪移. 再回到布拉格的太空钟下时,已经四点过.天是灰蓝灰蓝地阴沉下来.大象,猫,狗,还有长颈鹿,占领着熙攘人口的百分之八十.青石的地坚强的凹凸着,似乎是在牵拌,也像是在阻挠,这些温驯的步伐.但一切却都改变不了我夹在那中间没法再跟着自己的节奏摇晃,只能四肢着地,又再长出犄角,成了那四不象的怪物.
COMMENT:Writing about web page
First of all, thanks lulu for telling me the links.
Maybe penguins are the most sexual-scadalised animal in the world. I just heard a piece of news saying that penguins are becoming gays not long ago, and now I got this piece —Pick up a penguin about female penguins becoming prostitutes
Anyways, I've long believed that female penguins are feminists. This research reinforces my suggestion again. Don't be shocked by the title, let me tell you the story: in Antarctica nowadays, there are a small bunch of female penguins, wanting a reason to have sex with male penguins out of their partnership. And so they did, they charged the males nests stones in reward of having sex.
She said she does not think the female penguins are doing it just for the stones.
"The female only takes one or two stones," she said. "It takes hundreds to build the nest to get their eggs off the ground.
"I think what they are doing is having copulation for another reason and just taking the stones as well. We don't know exactly why, but they are using the males." ——Pick up a penguin BBC News
There you go, female penguins are liberated feminists, they have their own opions on sex ;)
I like them even more :D
TITLE: what a weekvery tired
Wednesday, make-up seminar at 11
Friday, teaching accessment interview at 9.30
tomorrow, have to get up at 9 again….............................................
It's nice to have an organised schedule and be busy, but I don't even have time to write a film review :/
Old Boy was really good, even better than Kill Bill.
COMMENT:Although I will never buy it, the Takara dream workshop sounds wicked. It says the toy can direct your dream with the person you want to see and the story you expect to happen. Well, although I respect the technology and idea of the producer, it sounds a 'dream formula' to me, with assimilation to the film formula in Adorno's cultural industry theories. It will be very boring if our last little creativities saved in the subcounsciousness would be deprived as well.
Yi Shu the Hongkongese romantic fictionist lamentated 'Tight, hold me tighter' as for the untouchable phenomena created in a dream as the title for the story she wrote in 1999. It was a story about a dream factory where all its customers are addicted going constantly. The protagonist finally chose to refuse the service and went back to normal human life. I believe if all the dreams are too good, we would tend to live in the dream rather than reality, that's anti-social and psycho!!
Although I got upset by nightmares sometimes, dream workshop sounds more scary to me. I believe the nightmares originated from my worries and fears and I can keep myself away from them by own inward power.
COMMENT:haha, yeah, I've seen it twice. Fortunately I am still a romanticist that the enduring love can easily get me away from the fearing of future evil inventions. :D I love the part when they were fighting against the memory eraser, was deeply touched for the power of love.
That's why I couldn't agree when someone said Truemen Show was better than Eternal Sunshine on Spotless Mind. At least I would say the latter would win with its excellent narration. But anyway, none of them is my favorite :)
Because then I can travel to New Zealand easily
and meet up with my
PENGUIN relatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I shouldn't have stayed up so late. I start to listen to radiohead, and got a bit carried away with Thomas Yorke's hysteric voice.
yes, that's what I wanna say
COMMENT:Radiohead at 4am… Exit Music might [not] help:
Wake… from your sleep
The drying of your tears
Today.. we escape
We escape.
-------COMMENT:AUTHOR: Christopher CarterEMAIL: fspaad@gwmail.warwick.ac.ukIP: URL: http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/ccarter/DATE: 01/24/2005 12:25:08 下午Or indeed 'Life In a Glasshouse', on which Mr Yorke's vocal performance is so piss-poor that the line "She is putting on a smile" comes out as "She is pooing on a smurf".
God bless that man. The big freak.
Writing about web page http://english.enorth.com.cn/kekexili/kekexili.htm
The film Kekexili: Mountain Patrol has been a hot topic and various awards winner in Chinese speaking area. The landscape pictured in the film was very beautiful, and the conflicts very drastic. For me, it's another propaganda film. But propaganda for good reasons. The Chinese need such propaganda to arouse their awareness to protect the evironment. However, as I always believe a narrative film is always limited in dimensions. My worry about it is that it might cause a great wave of tourism to Kekexili. And I believe that is disastrous. Anyway, check out the link. It's the official website of Kekexili. See what we can help.that's nonesense
most women don't talk like that
and such article should be responsible because it casuses men to mis-understand women and may indirectly cause some sexual harrassment :/
I m feminist
hey-hey: i sent these links to lulu ! ! !
and lulu does often use the words in that link ;)
----- COMMENT:AUTHOR: Peng ZouEMAIL: P.Zou@warwick.ac.ukIP: URL: http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/zoupeng/DATE: 01/22/2005 05:04:35 上午 I only used FINE before, and only with Lulu, cos that's what she often say….